David Tudor Instruments

I had an opportunity to visit the David Tudor Archives at Wesleyan University in 2018 and took a look at some of the boxes. In addition to devices built by Tudor himself, there are many things built by Gordon Mumma, David Behrman, Mark Holler, Mark Thorsen and others. There are also tons of guitar pedals (mostly EQ, phase shifters and "attack-decay" circuits) and kits from PAIA and RadioShack. My understanding is that the cataloging and organizing of the archives is an ongoing project for You Nakai and Michael Johnsen. I'd like to thank them for their work. I hope that growing public interest in Tudor will lead towards institutional support and further public access to these materials. Anyway, here are some pictures:

1 comment:

  1. wonderful!! Would love to see them too.
    Gordon Mumma lives in Victoria, on Vancouver Island, I'll email him this link as he probably would be happy to see it.
